Pomona 16 Side A

In The Beginning – The Word, Fire Of The body Of Our Father, Absorbed Into the Body Of Fire, Returning With Jesus As Word Into Our Father, Mystery Completed, Judgement In Love Or Hell, Psalm Of Our Living Father-In The Beginning, Psalm 90

Pomona 17 Side A

Jesus Is A Man, Crucified In House Of Friends, Mystery Of Manchild, Mystery Of 144,000, Mothers And Fathers And Family Of God In The Earth, Psalm Of Jesus Among You – Manchild, Psalm 45

Pomona 18 Side A

Jesus Christ In The Flesh, Plan Of God To Bring Kingdom In Earth – Manchild – 144000 – Multitude That No Man Can Number, Everlasting Gospel Of Family Of God For Kingdom In Earth, Psalm Of Jesus Among You – Manchild, Psalm 45

Pomona 19 Side A

John 1: 1-6, Blood Of Christ – Continual Cleansing As In Fellowship, Callings And Election Of Grace, Man And Woman In God’s New Creation, Covered By Grace, Psalm Of Came Unto His Own, Psalm 64

Pomona 20 Side A

Robe Of Love, Love Thru Eyes Of Fiery Love, Light Of New Creation